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CD Book 12


The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society is now making more music titles available to you through an environmentally friendly, print-on-demand service . We have teamed-up with  The Duplication Centre who will print and deliver it directly to you.

Canadian-based Bobby Brown and his Band come in to this recording with strict tempo renditions of some classic dances. Not to be missed, as Bobby Brown and his Band do an incredible job with some old favourites.

1 GRANTS’ RANT (Reel / 8 x 48/ 6:52)
The Grants’ Rant
The Gypsy Piper
The Merry Soldier

2 GREEN GROW THE RASHES  (Strathspey/ 8 x 32/ 8:28)
Green Grow the Rashes
Hawthorne Hedges
Mrs. Will

3 JENNY DANG THE WEAVER (Reel/ 8 x 32/ 4:38)

Jenny Dang the Weaver
Jack Lattin
Little Bag of Potatoes

Johnnie’s friends are never pleased
Mrs Forbes
The Brig o’ Tilt

5 FIDDLE FADDLE (Strathspey/ 8 x 32/ 8:29)
Miss Edmonstone of Newton
Miss Stewart of Grandtully
Coutie’s Wedding

6 KISS ME QUICK, MY MITHER’S COMING (Reel/ 8 x 32/ 4:37)
Kiss me quick, my Mither’s coming
Kenneth James MacLeod Jim MacLeod
The Thurso Wedding Neil Grant
The Wandering Drummer Jimmy Shand

7 THE YELLOW-HAIRED LADDIE (Minuet, Half Length / 2 x 64/ 4:06)
The Yellow-Haired Laddie
Auld Rob Morris

8 THE REEL OF GLAMIS or THE CLEVER LAD (Strathspey/ 8 x 32/ 8:21)
Gin I was a Bonny Lad
Lady Jemima Johnston
Mrs Ferguson of Raith’s Strathspey
Colonel Fraser of Knocky

9 SODGER LADDIE (Jig/ 8 x 32/ 4:39)
Sodger Laddie
The Kinnegad Slashers
The Canty Auld Man
Jerry’s Beaver Hat

10 THE BLACK DANCE (Reel/ 8 x 32/ 4:36)
The Black Dance
Lady McKenzie of Coul
Lochiel House Angus Fitchet
The Silver Salver Andrew Bathgate

11 THE EARL OF HOME (Strathspey/ 8 x 32/ 8:30)
The Earl of Home’s Country Dance
Corimonie’s Rant
Dunfermline Abbey

12 THE MACHINE WITHOUT HORSES (Jig/ 8 x 32/ 4:39)
The Machine without Horses
A Trip to the Cottage
The Flaxdresser
The Humors of Whiskey
Tunes Traditional, arranged Bobby Brown, except where otherwise stated

SKU: COD-BK12 Category:


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